I remember vividly the day my wife Angel and I made the decision to start our business in River Falls.  We had nothing and nothing to fall back on.  It would be a turning point that helped shape so much of who and what I am today.  A dream. Commitment.  Creativity. Tenacity.  Now, twenty plus years  later and more scars than I care to share, I am so appreciative to the many great people of western Wisconsin that made our dream, their dream. 

The District 30 Dream represents those things most near and dear to my heart.  Those things that will help us all.  I’ve been active, involved and listened. Western Wisconsin fuses the best of all things Wisconsin.  Building upon the progress made, we cannot rest.  I imagine a place where Education and Entrepreneur are celebrated and Businesses emerge and flourish. Taxes are reduced.  Sporting heritage made to flourish. Our quality of life is both made better and becomes sustainable.

As your District 30 State Representative, I will:

Enhance our Economy-A plan for Wisconsin's future!

Successful economic enhancement requires not just jobs, but good careers.  Careers that support our quality of living here in the western Wisconsin. It also requires having the local talent to fill those jobs.  I will draw on my experience in building successful businesses to shape a future for us that delivers this.  A robust economy and workforce also enables tax relief and reform. Now is the time to reduce income tax which will keep retirees in Wisconsin, encourage graduates to stay and put more money in your pocket.

As the state and nation recover and move forward after the COVID-19 challenge, it will be important to have those deeply involved in business, employment and familiar with the dynamics of business to lead us through. My two decades of real economy experience can help both now and as we advance as the high growth engine in Wisconsin.

  Rethink Education and Employment

We have outstanding educational resources available to us, which span both the High School and Higher Educational levels.  Education is meant to ready one for successful employment. So let’s do that.  Let’s rethink how our great Teachers, Students and Businesses work together in a way that offers each new benefits. Wisconsin has a workforce shortage and education is a vital component to resolving this.  Let's liberate our education centers and connect them more with real economy business.  

Protect our Values and Resources

We are surrounded by cherished assets in all forms.  Beautiful natural resources, hunting, fishing, great housing, entertainment and activities.  We must manage our inevitable growth and progress carefully to be sure this stays a great place to live and visit.